Friday, May 28, 2010

Time to change my game

So today is the official kick-off for my new health plan and I've decided if I want to reach my goal of losing 40 pounds by the end of the year, I need to change the way I think. Especially about food.
Right now I use it as a crutch, a comfort and a way to kill boredom. Not good. Not only that but I eat in larger portions than is really necessary. So it's no surprise why I've been steadily gaining weight.
Now I must change my mind completely. I need to start looking at food as a fuel. If I want to be a lean, mean anything machine I need to use the proper fuel in the correct amounts. Like the cliche goes, "garbage in, garbage out". Flood your engine with too much fuel and it sputters and dies.
So here we go. Week 1 and my starting point: 264.7 pounds. Goal weight is 225 by the end of December. I can do this.

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