Thursday, February 25, 2010

A walk in the park

Last weekend was absolutely gorgeous, and I was invited to meet some of my wife's long-time friends. One of them lives in New York so whenever she comes into town for a few days they all get together and have lunch.
It was beautifully sunny so the four of us walked to Palagacci's Pizza on Broadway, me happily lagging behind and snapping pictures all the way. The pizza was excellent and then we meandered over to Volunteer Park and the plant conservatory there. Almost two rolls of film were spent in an area about 1500 square feet. I can't wait to go back in the springtime when everything else is in bloom, especially the desert flora. We then headed back in the general direction of our startting point, making sure to stop at Dilletante Chocolate and martini bar. Best german chocolate cake ever. And I know a thing or two about cake!
By the time we got back to the condo we'd started at the sun was just setting and I managed to snap a few final pictures in the remaining light.

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