Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Moving forward in a sideways kind of way

For those of you that haven't heard, Thyra and I will be moving out of our apartment at the end of April and into my parents' house in order to save money for the big move. Yes, that means I will be changing wards (or congregations, however you want to term it) and there will be some adjustments to be made.
I think the greatest challenge will be a lack of privacy. Anyone who's ever lived with a roommate can attest to this; there are certain privacies we enjoy living on our own that will be compromised or lost once we move in with them. But all for the greater good, right?
There's also some logistical hurdles such as laundry and shower scheduling, cooking duties, ensuring the house stays tidy, sharing the tv and so on.
My mother's main concern is that we'll come away from this hating her because she has a bad day and takes it out on us. Don't we all have bad days? I don't know about her, but a few bad days isn't going to ruin a relationship with me and although the relationship is still relatively new as of right now, it shouldn't topple the foundation she's building with my wife.
At any rate, that's where we're at right now.

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