Thursday, April 8, 2010

Fighting the Good Fight

Sometimes I forget that I'm only a man and try and fight it all alone, which is a mistake. I think I can handle it, ignoring the support from the corner but quickly find myself overwhelmed and on the ropes; bloodied and bruised form a much tougher and merciless opponent. Just when I've got nothing left and the knockout punch is winding up, remember that I'm not alone.
As soon as I cry out for help He's there, healing the bruises and easing the pain. I don't always get exactly what I want, but I do get exactly what I need. When the bell rings again I come out swinging with a steeled resolve, renewed strength and more focused sense of purpose. Driven by my commitment and devotion to those I love, I fight on while heeding the voice of the Master. With His support I can conger any challenge, defeat any opponent as long as I put my trust in Him and work hard.

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