Thursday, December 31, 2009

About Me

About Me

Hello! My name is Brent and to be completely honest, this is much more difficult than I imagined it would be. But anyhoo, here's a brief summary of me: I'm a twenty-something married man living in the beautiful pacific northwest with my wife whom I married in March 2009. I grew up here and love the outdoors and am close to my parents and three siblings. I am also very strong in my faith as a member of the LDS (more commonly referred to as Mormon) denomination.
I currently work in a call center for an airline and while I do enjoy my job, it's not my end career goal. Preparations are underway for my wife and I to relocate to Cedar City, Utah so I can attend Southern Utah University and major in Communications. I'm leaning more towards a career in journalism, preferably as a photojournalist for a national newspaper or magazine. My wife and I are planning to have children in the near future, but also realize the responsibility required to raise them and more sobering, the financial implications.
In my spare time I enjoy watching movies, spending time outdoors rain or shine, photography, muscle cars, reading, video games, guns, cooking and eating food, spending time with my friends and family, music and a variety of other activities.
So I have decided to start this blog for a number of reasons: most notably as a creative outlet and testing ground for my writing style. I love to write and have a bit of a knack for it and I thought by sharing a bit of my life I could get some feedback, constructive criticism, so on and so forth.
So that's me in a nutshell; an not-so-average-guy trying to make something of himself. Stay tuned for more!

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